Monday, December 6, 2010

A sample of SOME of the emails I have received from people looking for help from these scammers:

date Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 4:28 PM
subject Charles A Spradlin

I have recently come in contact with a man named Chalie Spradlin and searched the internet looking for information about him. I came across your blog and noticed his name in there several times. I have family members who are attending his so called church in Westfield IN and am very concerned about them. He is passing himself off as a pastor but I don't believe that he is at all and after reading everything I've seen on the internet I am convinced he is nothing more than a con artist. Thanks for posting what you have so far about him and the others. Do you know of any other information you could share with me about him? Have there been any legal actions taken against Mr. Spradlin? Has he been convicted? Are any authorities involved? I am afraid the family is going to be taken for a lot of money.

date Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 8:52 AM
subject Fred Damron

I am so sorry your article did not pop up when I first searched Genesis Management Group. Is there a group of people he defrauded that are joining together in a law suite? If so I want to be counted in.

date Thu, May 14, 2009 at 6:37 AM
subject Exousia Foundation

I live in USA , but have a very close relationship with the government of Ukraine and work with some western world financial institutions in coordinating of financing some infrastructure covernment projects in Ukraine.
I ran into the name of Charles Spradlin
He is in Ukraine now and he is working on the level of high government officials of the Ukrainian Government promising them to bring Billions of Dollars from so called China Foundation
I googled them out and their website sounds very odd
Please advice any information you possibly know and please provide any kind of documents or sourses of documents which can prove that this is all scam.


date Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 1:46 PM
subject RE: Fred Damon

I am writing you concerning Fred Damron. I need to know for certain we are talking about the same person. Here is his physical description: He is approximately 45 to 50 years in age . he is around 5ft 10 inches tall weighs approximately 220, 240. Has a full head of thick salt and pepper hair always keeps a beard and mustache. He wears glasses. Speaks with a generic accent, kind of nasally. What I know about him personally is that he grew up in West Virginia, I think somewhere around Fort Gay. His Mother is still living but I think his father has passed. He has not mentioned any siblings. Said his family owns a farm. His father owned a service station when Fred was growing up. He mentioned that his Mother owned a radio station . He says his job now is a currency exchanger/broker. He seems to be very computer savvy. The reason I need to know if this is the same person is that he is involved with my wife’s sister in-law, and my wife’s mother, my mother in-law. He is also very interested in our church. I am afraid someone in our family or our community is going to get hurt somehow, if indeed this is the same person. If you have a picture of him please scan it and send it to me. I realize you have no idea who I am, but I assure you all I want is confirmation that we are talking about the same person. I have no other agenda.


date Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 9:10 AM
subject RE: Fred Damon

I am concerned that Fred is up to no good. The church that he is involved with now is called Christway Church in Olive Hill. He has a foot hold in a church here in our community. He and his girlfriend are the treasurers, and the congregation is growing. I sense trouble. Is there any kind of warrant out on him? I can give the authorities info about his whereabouts. I want him stopped before he hurts someone again.

date Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 8:59 PM
subject fred damron

about 3 years ago fred came to my house and got me to invest with his company, at first we made a few hundred dollars, then i made the big mistake of writing fred a check worth 30.000.00 3 years later no fred, no money, what can i do,

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